Wellness First Happy Hour IV Therapy


Have your drink and hydrate too!

Member: $200.00
Non-Member: $250.00

Overview: Rehydrates and restores depleted vitamins and minerals

Great for: Weekend Warriors, Travel and Post-Illness Support



Ingredients: Ascorbic acid, Hydroxocobalamin, B Complex, Calcium Gluconate, Magnesium Chloride, Multitrace elements

Piggyback: Glutathione


Happy Hour IV therapy is your ultimate partner in rehydrating and restoring depleted vitamins and minerals. Perfect for weekend warriors, travelers, and individuals seeking post-illness support, our product provides an expert solution for all your hydration needs.

The innovative formula is designed to deliver the necessary vitamins and minerals you need to stay energized and productive throughout the week. Packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin C, B Complex, and magnesium, Happy Hour replenishes the body's essential elements and rejuvenates your overall well-being.

Whether you're recovering from a long weekend or returning from an extended trip, Happy Hour provides the perfect boost to help you get back on track.

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